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​​​ Terms of Use


01. Chapter 1 General Rules  

02. Chapter 2 Membership and Withdrawal of Membership  

03. Chapter 3 Obligations of Contracting Parties  

04. Chapter 4 Service Use  

05. Chapter 5 Refund of Purchased Products  

06. Chapter 6 Intellectual Property Rights  

07. Chapter 7 Dispute Resolution


Article 1 (Name)


The name of this site is "Myon".


Article 2 (Operating entity)


The operating body of this site is NaSelf Co., Ltd.


Article 3 (Purpose)


The purpose of these terms and conditions is to regulate the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the company and users when members use the online marketing content provided by the company.


Article 4 (Change of Terms and Conditions)


1. If the company intends to change these terms and conditions, the company must notify the member of the change 7 days before the expected date of application.

If the member does not raise any objection by the due date, the changed terms and conditions will be deemed approved.

2. When a member raises an objection, it is deemed that he has expressed his intention to withdraw from the website of the company.


Article 5 (Definition of Terms)


1. The definitions of terms used in these terms and conditions are as follows.

① "Member" refers to a person who has been given a user number by signing up through a prescribed procedure by agreeing to the terms and conditions in order to receive the service. There are corporate members and individual members.

② ID: A combination of letters and numbers selected by a member and given by the company for member identification and user service use.

③ Password: Refers to the combination of letters and numbers selected by the member to confirm that he or she is the same person as the member number and to protect the member's own confidentiality.

④ Simon: This is a reserve system used on the head office website, and the unit is 'money'.

These points are non-refundable and can be used for purchases or other designated places.

⑤ "Affiliate site" refers to a partner company that provides services in partnership with the company's site.


Article 6 (Matters not stipulated in this Agreement)


Matters not stipulated in these terms and conditions and interpretation of these terms and conditions shall be governed by the Electronic Transaction Consumer Protection Guidelines and related laws and regulations enacted by the government.


Article 7 (Joining and Withdrawal)


1. Users who wish to join this site can sign up for membership free of charge.

2. In the case of Paragraph 1, if it is recognized that the person wishing to join is not suitable as a member of the company, the company may reject the application for membership, and in this case, the reason for ineligibility must be notified.

3. Members may leave this site at any time. In principle, if you wish to withdraw, you must send an e-mail to the management or request for withdrawal on the site as soon as possible.


Article 8 (Membership)


The services provided by the head office are as follows.

1. You are automatically recognized as an official member of the head office.

2. Priority will be given to events hosted by the head office.

3. You can receive regular e-mail information from the head office.

4. Paid group mail sending service and other content services are available at the head office.


Article 9 (Suspension and Removal of Membership)


1. The company may temporarily suspend the member's qualifications if the member falls under any of the following subparagraphs.

① In case of false information in the application form

② In case of application for the purpose of undermining social well-being and good morals

③ In the event of a disadvantage or setback to the operation of the company's information service network

④ In case of damaging the reputation of others or giving a disadvantage

⑤ In case of intentionally harming the service

⑥ In case of illegal election campaign

⑦ In case of violating other related laws, membership registration will be canceled in the case of the above reasons.

⑧ Acts of using the company's services by posting advertisements or propaganda targeting a large number of unspecified persons or sending spam mail

⑨ Acts that violate the terms of use stipulated in other related laws, company terms, and spam mail policies

You can forcibly restrict use or delete your ID.

⑩ In case of infringing other rights such as copyright of a third party.


2. After the company temporarily suspends the member's qualifications pursuant to Paragraph 1, if the same act is repeated twice or more or the cause is not corrected within 30 days, the company may disqualify the member .


Article 10 (Obligations of the company)


1. The company does not disclose or distribute the member's personal information known in relation to the provision of the service to a third party without the consent of the member.

However, if there is a request from a national institution in accordance with the provisions of the Framework Act on Telecommunications, etc., for the purpose of investigating a crime, if there is a request from the Information and Communication Ethics Committee, or if there is a request according to the procedures stipulated in other related laws It doesn't.

2. Within the scope of Paragraph 1, the company may prepare and use statistical data about the personal information of all or part of the members in relation to business.

3. If the company recognizes that the opinions or complaints raised by users are justified, it must be dealt with immediately. However, if immediate processing is difficult, the customer must be notified of the reason and processing schedule.

4. In order to provide continuous and stable service, the company will repair or restore the facility without delay when it is damaged or lost. However, in case of natural disaster, emergency, or other unavoidable circumstances, the service may be temporarily suspended or suspended.

5. The company is not responsible for the failure of affiliate sites.


Article 11 (Responsibilities of Members)


1. The member information required at the time of membership registration must be truthful and accurate.

In addition, members must maintain and update the already provided member information so that it is truthful and accurate.

2. Members must not engage in any of the following communications that harm public well-being or public morals.

① Content intended to commit a criminal act or to instigate a criminal act

② Content that harms good customs and other social order

③ Acts that damage the honor or disadvantage of others

④ Illegal use of another person's user ID and password

⑤ Acts that infringe the intellectual property rights of other users or third parties

⑥ Acts of registering or distributing computer virus infection data that causes malfunction of information and communication facilities or destruction or confusion of information

⑦ Posting, posting, mailing or transmitting advertisements, promotional materials, junk mail, spam mail, lucky letters, pyramid schemes, or other forms of solicitation that are not approved by the company

⑧ Acts that violate other related laws or the terms of use set by the company

3. Members must pay considerable attention to member ID and password management, and if password is exposed, it must be reported to the company immediately.

4. Members must comply with these terms and conditions and related laws, and must not engage in any other acts that significantly impede the performance of the company's business.

5. Members cannot transfer or gift the right to use the service or other status in the contract of use to another person, and cannot provide it without the company's express consent.

6. You must not engage in any other actions that are requested to be corrected by the Information and Communication Ethics Committee.


  Article 12 (Member's Obligation for Management of Member's Personal Information)


1. Members are responsible for all management of ID and password. Members are responsible for all consequences arising from negligence in management and illegal use of IDs and passwords assigned to members.

2. In the event that their ID has been used illegally, the member must notify the company of the fact.


Article 13 (Provision of Information)


The company may provide members and affiliated sites with various information deemed necessary while using the service to members and affiliated sites by e-mail or letter mail. You can refuse.


Article 14 (Posts by Members)


The company may delete the contents of the service posted or registered by the member without prior notice if it is determined that it falls under any of the following subparagraphs.

① In the case of content that slanders other members or third parties or damages the reputation of others by slander

② Dissemination of false information that may cause confusion in daily life

③ In case of content that violates public order and morals

④ If the content is recognized as being related to a criminal act

⑤ In case of contents that infringe other rights such as the company's copyright or the copyright of a third party

⑥ In case it is judged to be in violation of other related laws


Article 15 (Posts on affiliate sites)


1. Posts on affiliate sites follow the rules of affiliate sites.

2. Even if it does not violate Paragraph 1, if it falls under any of the following subparagraphs, you can request deletion from the affiliate site.

① In case of content that slanders other members or other affiliate sites or damages the reputation

② In case of infringing the copyright of members or other affiliated sites

③ In case of violation of other related laws


Article 16 (Service usage hours)


1. In principle, the use of the service is 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, unless there is a special obstacle in the business or technology of the company. However, this does not apply to the day or time set by the company due to the need for regular inspections, etc.

2. The company may divide the service into a certain range and set the available time for each range separately. In this case, we will notify you in advance.

3. In the case of an affiliate site, it is determined according to the site's operating terms and conditions.


Article 17 (Customer use of service)


1. You can pay for items purchased on the site by direct deposit or credit card.

2. If the user uses the purchase service, the user is responsible for entering inaccurate user information

3. You can inquire and change the provided information in 'Edit Member Information' during 'Login'.

4. If the terms and conditions are amended, the amended terms and conditions are applied only to contracts concluded after the effective date, and the provisions of the terms and conditions before the amendment are applied to contracts already concluded before that date. However, if a user who has already signed a contract sends his/her intention to receive the application of the amended terms and conditions to the headquarters within the amended terms and conditions pursuant to Chapter 3 and receives the consent of the headquarters, the amended terms and conditions will be applied.


Article 18 (Service provided by the company)


1. The company that provides the service of this site is obliged to provide the service continuously and stably unless there are unavoidable circumstances in business or technology.

The company provides users with all services necessary for email marketing. However, the form and content of the service may be changed by the company if necessary.

However, in the case of facility repair work for sales service, if the telecommunication service provider stipulated in the Telecommunications Business Act suspends the telecommunication service, natural disasters, national emergency, power outage, rush in service use, etc. Except when there is a problem with the use of the service.

2. All liabilities arising from violating the rules set forth in these terms and conditions shall be borne by the violator, and in the event of damage to the other party as a result, he shall be liable for damages.

The company may notify the user of the contents of the service to be modified or changed and the date of provision through an in-service notice or e-mail, and may change the service specified in paragraph 1 and provide it.

3. The company may implement various technical and institutional policies (e.g., anti-spam policy) to prevent the transmission of spam or mass mail, and to perform the service smoothly. You may be restricted from using the services provided by


  Article 19 (Withdrawal of subscription)


The company may provide information that is deemed helpful to the member in using the service by e-mail or letter mail after obtaining the member's permission. If a member does not want to, he or she can opt out.


Article 20 (Withdrawal of subscription)


1. A member may withdraw the subscription after receiving the product in each of the following cases.

*However, it is limited to the case of online product purchase and other matters are subject to the contract.

① If you request a refund within 7 days of receiving the product: 100% refund

② If you request a refund within 15 days of receiving the product: 50% refund

③ If you request a refund within 30 days of receiving the product: 30% refund

④ If refund is requested after 30 days of receipt of the product: non-refundable

※ only. The above applies only to promotional programs. (Group mail is non-refundable in case of simple change of mind after use)

※ only. In the case of a design, no refund is possible after the start of the work unless there is a special reason.

2. Refund Procedure

Members can inquire about their intention to withdraw the subscription for the product to the person in charge of exchange and refund (Tel: 02-900-8653) of 『HQ』. If the subscription is withdrawn, the user must return the goods or services already provided, and Cymailer must refund the goods and services within 3 days (excluding holidays and holidays) from the date of receiving the return.

3. In the case of Paragraph 2, if there is any cost necessary for returning the delivered product, the company will bear it.


Article 21 (Deletion of Posts or Contents)


If the postings or contents of the service violate the regulations or exceed the posting period set by the company, we may delete them without prior notice or consent.


Article 22 (Rights and Obligations for Posts)


All rights and responsibilities, including copyright, on the post rest with the member who posted it.


Article 23 (Compensation for Damages)


The company is not responsible for the damage caused by the negligence of the member and the services provided free of charge, except in cases caused by the company's gross negligence.


Article 24 (Immunity and Compensation)


1. The company does not bear any responsibility for the contents, such as the accuracy and reliability of information, data, facts, etc. posted by the member on the service, and the member uses the service under his/her own responsibility, Members are responsible for any damage to materials, etc., or any disadvantages related to selection of materials or other service use.

2. Members are responsible for any damage caused by negligence in the management and use of member ID and password or for illegal use by a third party.

3. If a member violates the provisions of these terms and conditions, the company takes responsibility for the member or a third party, and this causes damage to the company. should be compensated for, and the head office must be indemnified from damages.


Article 25 (Intellectual Property Rights)


1. Any or all modification, rental, loan, distribution, production, transfer, sublicense, security right setting, or commercial use of contents, services, software, trademarks, etc. of which the company has intellectual property rights, in whole or in part, without the written consent of the company You cannot do this and you cannot allow a third party to do this.

2. The rights and responsibilities of members' posts and materials rest with the publisher, and the company cannot use them for commercial purposes other than posting in the service without the publisher's consent. However, this is not the case in non-profit cases and the company has the right to publish in the service.


  Article 26 (Settlement of Disputes)


1. The headquarters and members must make every effort necessary to amicably resolve disputes related to the service.

2. Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 1, if a lawsuit is filed due to a dispute, the lawsuit shall be under the jurisdiction of the court having jurisdiction over the location of the head office's headquarters.

3. Affiliate sites follow the rules of affiliate sites.

4. However, if the affiliate site does not have the relevant rules, the court having jurisdiction over the location of the affiliate site shall be the exclusive competent court.



Article 1 (Enforcement Date) These Terms and Conditions are effective from October 1, 2017.

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